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Buying shares in Hans Breuker

Buying shares in Hans Breuker

Why should you invest in Hans Breuker?

Because I'm the shit. That is obvious. But also because creating is my ultimate goal. From crazy texts to strange men and from pop art to serious art expressions. Preferably all day long.

I am currently working on my website. I mainly sell my art directly to the consumer. I also find that super easy. No fuss. You see what you get. Throw it on the wall and hopsakee. The space is enchanted.

But anyway. So I'm working on my main sales channel, the website. It doesn't make me very happy, because I prefer to just make things all day long. Finally. You get it.

To make the webshop top, the collections must be good, the paintings (which are not painted but made on my iPad) must be categorized in such a way that you, the buyer extraordinaire, can easily select according to your preference.

That you soon maffia piece you can buy. Or a black and white painting or a figurative work with large heads and black suits.

It is now May 2022 and I started the iPad art October 1, 2021. There are now almost 350 works on the website. EXCLUSIVE Andy the Dandy art and excluding the physical art. That's serious work. And serious creativity. Moreover, I am also 'hampered' by many peripheral matters such as annoying committees (which I no longer do, provided carte blanche) and marketing activities.

scale up

So I can do even more. You can say what you want about my 'art'. You can call it design or cut and paste hahaha! But I want to make it. I like it and believe that everything I make has a market for it. That I can make someone happy with what comes into my head and what my hands make. In economics we call this the long-tail model.

"The long tail is a business strategy that allows companies to realize significant profits by selling low volumes of hard-to-find items to many customers, instead of only selling large volumes of a reduced number of popular items. The term was first coined in 2004 by researcher Chris Anderson."

And that's my goal. In a few years' time my webshop will have thousands of pop art works in the collection and perhaps also abstract works. In this way I can make a difference in all rooms in a house or work environment and I can work on a presence worldwide'.

How can you benefit from this?

You can benefit from this by buying shares in Hans Breuker. My unbridled making obsession will continue. And my marketing know how and willingness to advertise and have a global presence can make you money.

Hans Breuker shares

If you invest in my NFT's, you become the owner of a piece of Hans Breuker. An NFT (non fungeable token) is something like a share, you buy a piece of Hans Breuker. How many pieces are there? Well. Not so much now, that's good for you. I upload about 5 a week. Andy the Dandy selfies. I really like them and they fit well in the NFT space.

Andy The Dandy NFT, Aandelen Hans Breuker

So if you have any faith in me and my vision. Then I would advise you to buy shares in Hans Breuker. And then specifically in the Andy The Dandy selfies series because Andy the Dandy is very likely to become a global (niche) celebrity. Because that's what I want.

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