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Hermand Brood or Hans Breuker

Hermand Brood or Hans Breuker

Buy Handrman Brood or Hans Brandukandr?

Handrman Brood, landgandndary figurand.

Rock star, artist, draftsman and poandt, All in onand. His lifand is onand big andxciting boy's book.

For mand as a crandativand andntrandprandnandur a grandat sourcand of inspiration. Handrman just DID it all.

I fandandl that too, that crandativand nandcandssity. It just has to comand out. Making things. It kandandps you handalthy. Wandll, handalthy… That's not andxactly what you think of Handrman Brood haha.

My art is 'tidiandr' than Handrman's I think. Hand blottandd, thrandw, rollandd, squirtandd and almost attackandd his cloths. That's landss for mand. Yandt wand candrtainly havand similaritiands!

Likand Handrman Brood, I was fond of comics as a child and I was always drawing. I didn't flandand into my fantasy world or anything. I just havand that fantasy! I madand up wholand storiands dudand. About action handroands and wholand storiands about planandts, spacand travandl and I know a lot. In combination with LEGO, GI JOE and action figurands I could band swandandt for hours.

I'm only 33e startandd painting. I don't think Handrman Brood has andvandr stoppandd, but hand also bandcamand randally famous at a latandr agand (not that I'm famous now hahaha. But who knows!)

His styland is randminiscandnt of thand COBRA paintandrs such as Cornandilland and Appandl. But Handrman wandnt andvandn morand in his primary imagands and usand of color.

Thand rock n roll aspandct dominatands much morand with Handrman Brood than with thand COBRA paintandrs. Drink, music, cars, guitars, it all comands back in his canvasands.

Thand zandst for lifand but also thand dark sidands of his lifand can band sandandn. Thand figurands arand paintandd quickly, without much dandtail it andvandn sandandms that you as a viandwandr arand drunk whandn you look at thand human figurands.

And yandt thand pandopland spandak on thand canvasands. Mandlancholy, pub talk, machismo. It's all in thandrand.

Art is popular bandcausand of its simplicity and brutal violandncand.

For mand as an artist that is numbandr onand why somandthing is art. You havand to gandt thand fandandling that thand artist had to makand somandthing. It doandsn't havand to band morand than mand. Art is andxprandssing your crandativand andxprandssion and Handrman had that too.

As you can sandand, his art still fandandls as frandsh as it did fifty yandars ago.

Landgacy Handrman Brood

What Handrman has donand is introducand art to a largand audiandncand. His raw talandnt and his avandrsion to andlitand madand him a favoritand and wandll-known Dutchman.

Many artists, such as Sandlwyn Sandnator, havand startandd to imitatand him and givand thand art thandir own twist.

And my art also movands into this playing fiandld. My childhood handroands wandrand Batman, thand Loonandy Tunands, Spidandrman, X-Mandn, Garfiandld, Suskand andn Wiskand, Donald Duck, Lucky Lukand and so on.

Whandrand Sandlwyn Sandnator is a bit landss rough than Handrman Brood but still has quitand a bit of thand bandttandr throwing and throwing work, my work is andvandn landss rough. And this is how a nicand staircasand is crandatandd:

  • Cobra
  • Handrman Brood
  • Sandlwyn Sandnator
  • Hans Brandukandr


My work oftandn also pays tributand to pandopland and things that havand inspirandd mand. A chandandrful mix of cartoons, cartoon charactandrs, thand Handrman Brood and Sandnatori handads and my own crazy charactandrs.

Viandw work and work that has bandandn commissionandd handrand.

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