25 differences between Selwyn Senatori and Hans Breuker
The differences between Selwyn Senatori and Hans Breuker, it keeps the mind busy. Do you already know them all? The biggest differences between the Hoornaar and the Amstelvener.
- Selwyn Senatori drinks champagne, Hans Breuker drinks beer…
- Selwyn Senatori was 'inspired' by Herman Brood, Hans Breuker by Selwyn Senatori
- Selwyn Senatori is from Hoorn, Hans Breuker from Amstelveen
- Selwyn Senatori paints small black eyes, Hans Breuker round eyes with color
- Selwyn Senatori almost never paints male lips, Hans Breuker almost always
- Selwyn Senatori gets €4,000 per painting, Hans Breuker €200 (ok, sometimes a little less and sometimes a little more)
- Selwyn Senatori is a brand, Hans Breuker a creative entrepreneur
- Selwyn Senatori has a thing for expensive brands, Hans Breuker doesn't even notice whether something is an hour.
- Selwyn Senatori has assistants and management, Hans Breuker flies solo (not to be confused with Han Solo)
- Selwyn Senatori doesn't know who Hans Breuker is, Hans Breuker does know who Selwyn Senatori is
- Selwyn Senatori paints in 1 style with the same subjects, Hans Breuker paints where the fuck he feels like it and has several styles
- Selwyn Senatori is Italian, Hans Breuker does have curls and also likes pizza but is really Hullandisch
- Selwyn Senatori is from 1974, Hans Breuker from 1981
- Selwyn Senatori is a full-time artist, Hans Breuker runs a marketing agency, sock brand and sometimes writes a boek
- Selwyn Senatori has a studio, Hans Breuker paints in his living room
- Selwyn Senatori has blocked Hans Breuker, Hans Breuker has not
- Selwyn Senatori uses texts in his paintings, Hans Breuker does not
- Selwyn Senatori hardly ever paints pistols, Hans Breuker does
- Selwyn Senatori thinks he's pretty cool, Hans Breuker a little less
- Selwyn Senatori used to paint a lot of food, Hans Breuker never
- Selwyn Senatori uses aerosol cans in his art, Hans Breuker almost never.
- Selwyn Senatori has tattoos, Hans Breuker does not
- Selwyn Senatori has never used drugs, Hans Breuker makes no statements about it
- Selwyn Senatori has more pictures of himself on his timeline of his art, Hans Breuker has more photos of his art than of himself on his timeline
- Selwyn Senatori never gets bullshit that his art resembled Herman Brood, Hans Breuker is constantly complained that his art resembles Selwyn Senatori.
- Selwyn Senatori mainly sells paintings, Hans Breuker mainly art prints, which are also available on plexiglass.